The year 2020 is going to be filled with so many puns about perfect vision ...
... I can't wait to see them all.

Hi-ya, let's improve stuff:
- Tighten up
- Snap shooting - Let's bring everything in closer, definitely no chicken-winging, be a smaller target and keep the paint flying with accuracy
- Move and Shoot - Keep that marker up and steady and ready
- Trigger Speed
- Oh, I want to be like the cool kids and walk a trigger like no one's business and not worry about conserving paint
- Maybe I'll work on some idling as well
- Field Awareness
- I don't want to give away my kryptonite, but I need to make sure I'm paying attention to all the sides and angles
- Fitness
- Paintball is totes active, maybe it's time to get back into some burst or HIIT training
- Communication
- Almost forgot about this one - As much as I like to talk, I need to talk more on the field
Hey, let's learn things:
- Sliding
- Let me safely get to a bunker fast and low... and quickly take care of business
- Improve left-handed shooting
- I'm comfortable doing so, but want to be better so I'm a balanced and accurate shooter
- Diving
- Again, safely getting to the elusive snake bunker, I'm not even going to attempt it until I've got this down - I'm no graceful butterfly, so not injuring myself is the biggest hurdle
- Tournament rules and scoring
- At this point, it's a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma - J/K - I just need to read up
- Playing Snake
- Oh boy, wouldn't it be awesome?! I could say yeah, sure... I'll play snake. How cool it would be to play it right, stay alive, and be a distraction to my opponents
- Having fun - So many factors, but every time I go out, I end coming home with the biggest smile 😁
- Making friends - The paintball community is full of good peeps and most are pretty cool
Now... I will say that achieving these goals will be attainable with the help and support of my team. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Any advice for me?
Your turn... what do your goals look like for 2020?